Saturday, May 22, 2010

When installing a new door, you should install the pin int the( ) hinge first?

When installing a new door, you should install the pin int the (--------- -) hinge first.

(a) lower

(b) middle

(c) top

(d) any of the above

Would you choose a correct answer for me?


When installing a new door, you should install the pin int the( ) hinge first?
I'd put it in the top one first to carry the weight of the door while I make any adjustments.
Reply:start at the top - the weight of the door will bring the other hinges fairly close to alignment. otherwise, the weight of the door pulls the hinges above the first one OUT of alignment.
Reply:I always do the top hinge first.
Reply:I always do the top first
Reply:middle. you can maneuver the top and bottom easier.

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