Saturday, May 22, 2010

Problem with Matrix C++?

I'm trying to call a function where I can set up a Matrix. At the start, I set up the function:

void setmatrix(double a[x][y], char b)


int i, j;

printf("Enter values for Matrix %c:\n", b);

for (i=0; i%26lt;=x; i++)


for (j=0; j%26lt;=y; j++)


printf("Row %d, Column %d: ", i+1, j+1);

scanf("%lf", %26amp;a[i][j]);



Now, I get the user to input the amount of rows and columns which are x and y respectively. My problem is trying to call the function and what to put inside. I tried setmatrix(a[x][y], b). In my main function, I declared integers for x and y, character for b, and double a[3][3] (I needed an initial matrix).

Problem with Matrix C++?
The funny thing is that in certain OTHER programming languages, what you are doing would work. :-)

For C++, arrays do NOT have size information associated with them.

setmatrix(a[x][y], b) is actually setmatrix(double, char). The "a[x][y]" is called a _dereference_ and is getting a single value from your array.

You need:

double myMatrix[3][3];

char myMatrixName;

setmatrix(a, 3, 3, %26amp;myMatrixName);

void setmatrix(double a[][3], int x, int y, char *b) {



myMatrix == a pointer to an array of pointers.

myMatrix[0] == a pointer to the first ROW of values

myMatrix[0][0] = The actual value in the first column.

For your declaration, you NEED to declare the parameter as [][3]. If you want to create variably sized matrices, you'll have to look at arrays of pointers or (better yet) creating a single dimension array and figure out how to map [x][y] to a single array index. :-)

Passing arrays in C and C++ is ugly and has always been a source of confusion (which is why Java decided to make 2-D arrays a real pain in the [butt], but less confusing)

I'd recommend searching the web for C++ matrix libraries and see how they implement the data structure. Usually they create a Matrix class in order to side-step the whole problem of passing a 2-D array.

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