Monday, May 24, 2010

How to change from c to c++?

Please, can anyone help switch this to c++?

I will be very grateful!

#include %26lt;stdio.h%26gt;

/* Computes the length of Collatz sequences */

unsigned int step (unsigned int x)


if (x % 2 == 0)


return (x / 2);




return (3 * x + 1);



unsigned int nseq (unsigned int x0)


unsigned int i = 1, x;

if (x0 == 1 || x0 == 0)

return i;

x = step (x0);

while (x != 1 %26amp;%26amp; x != 0)


x = step (x);



return i;


int main (void)


unsigned int i, m = 0, im = 0;

for (i = 1; i %26lt; 500000; i++)


unsigned int k = nseq (i);

if (k %26gt; m)


m = k;

im = i;

printf ("sequence length = %u for %u\n", m, im);



return 0;


How to change from c to c++?
if u know c++

then change few input output statement and techniques of programming
Reply:You have the pseudo code and the C code from this and other posts I see. You should be able to do this. Your degree will mean nothing if you dont know how to program! Now put your nose to the grind and learn!
Reply:Or else you may contact a C++ expert at websites like

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