Saturday, May 22, 2010

C help needed?

Can anyone tell me how to execute DOS commands using C? I tried the following but it isn't working.



int main(void)


printf("Going to execute a C command");


return 0;


Iam just getting the printf statement executed. The dir command isn't working plz help!

C help needed?
I dont code much in windows, but what little I have seen, system command work just as well there.

I tried your code in Linux (with ls replaceing dir) and I got the expected result. So the program works for sure.

tell you what, check if adding a \n at the end of the print line changes things.

I have a feeling, you are running into buffer related issues.

The other thing that you can do is to change the command from dir to something like "mkdir a"
Reply:Try including Dos.h in your program. Write #include %26lt;dos.h%26gt;.

Have Phun Coding :)


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