Monday, May 24, 2010

How can I convert this program(in c++) to Prolog (winprolog or ..) ?

I've written the program in c++ but I can't convert it to Prolog .



int x,y,bound;

cout%26lt;%26lt; "Enter 2 num to find the path";

cin %26gt;%26gt;x;

cin%26lt;%26lt; y;


while ( bound!=0)


if (bound%26gt;=100)



cout %26lt;%26lt; "----%26gt; + 100" %26lt;%26lt;x;



else if (bound%26gt;=10)


//like actions in previous if


else if (bound%26gt;=1)


//like actions in previous if


else if(bound%26lt;=-100)







ofcourse it is not the complete code .

I 'm new in prolog

especialy I want to know how can I use while loop , in prolog.

please help me !

thanks in advance.

How can I convert this program(in c++) to Prolog (winprolog or ..) ?
Why are you using Prolog? Taking an AI class or something?

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