Tuesday, July 28, 2009

I d-led int. exp 7 on my new computer, it came w/int. exp. 6 now it is wicked slow...why?

I have a dsl connection. The computer was going really fast to look at pages with the int. exp 6 it is sooo slow now. What can I do to fix this? I have a Gateway w/ windows ap and it is windows vista capable. I tried d-l the int. exp. 6 but it wont let me b/c I have the newest version. I don't dare uninstall int. exp7 b/c then how will browse to get int. exp. 6 back?? Please help the slowness of this is killing me!!!

I d-led int. exp 7 on my new computer, it came w/int. exp. 6 now it is wicked slow...why?
it is not a actually slow, maybe the interfrace of it is making you feel like it, when i swtiched from IE6 to IE7 i felt the same thing, but after a couple of days now, i see my pages load in a flash,

and i have DSL too, i seen web pages flying on my widescreen display, give it some time, and also make sure you "shut off / Disable " the phising filter , coz it is the reason for your slowdown, trust me on this, u won't regret,

enjoy a safer web browsing, good luck, hope i helped
Reply:FireFox. A much better, faster,safer browser.

Follow the link.
Reply:Go to tools, Internet Options and clean your Temporary files, history, cookies, saved passwords, and web form information.

Or do a Disk cleanup, it does the same.

Oh I think you don't want to uninstall exp 7 because if is there is because outthrere are new websites that you will be able to read it with exp 6.

But u can use FireFox which is goog too.
Reply:Get firefox... much better then ie!
Reply:ig you uninstall it from add remove program it will bring back internet explorer 6

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