Thursday, July 30, 2009

Integer containing 0 in C.?

Hey guys,

I have a question about int's in C. How would I write code to figure out whether an int contains the number zero. Thanks for the help!

Integer containing 0 in C.?
i would make it in to a char array then search the char array for '0' im not to familuar with c but it is how i would do it in c#

to the person below that is to check it the int is 0 not if it contains a 0 such as 103 contains a 0 but that code wouldnt detect it
Reply:i understand that you need to check if a integer is 0 or not.

try using this:

int a;


//if a contains 0 do something here



//if its not 0 do something else

Reply:int k=0;

if (k==0) {

do this code if k = 0

} else {

do this code if k ≠


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