Thursday, July 30, 2009

C PROGRAMMERS!! homework help please...?

Write a function that, given a 2D array, will determine the minimum and maximum

values of the array. Use the following two arrays:

40 35 30 25 20

20 30 40 50 60

45 55 65 75 85

30 35 40 45 50

200 300 400 500 600

1000 245 78 123 85

981 1001 575 99 333

(a) Use pointer notation for accessing any array elements; don’t use subscript nota-

tion. For example, within your function use *(*(a + i) + j) instead of a[i][j].

(b) Your function should be able to handle 2D arrays with any number of rows and 5

columns. Don’t hard-code array dimensions other than what is required to create

the arrays, i.e., don’t use something like this:

int rows = 4;

int cols = 5;

(c) Print the maximum and minimum values from main()

This Program must work in Microsoft Visual Studio.


C PROGRAMMERS!! homework help please...?
oh hush. he's not going to get a job if he can't do it himself.

void f(int** arr)


int max = 0;

int min = 10000000;

int cols = 5;

int rows = sizeof(*(arr + 0))/sizeof(*(*(arr+0) + 0));

for(int r = 0; r %26lt; rows; r++)

for(int c = 0; c %26lt; cols; c++)


if(*(*(arr+r) + c) %26gt; max)

max = *(*(arr+0) + c);

if(*(*(arr+r) + c) %26lt; min)

min = *(*(arr+r) + c);


printf("Max: %i",max);

printf("Min: %i",min);

Reply:You just need to use a double array, Simple homework.
Reply:.section .data


.long (your data here)

.section .text

.globl _start


movl $0, %esi

movl $0, %eax


movl %eax, %ebx


movl data_array(,%esi,4), %eax

cmpl $0, %eax

je loop_end

incl %esi

cmpl %eax, %ebx

jg new_max

jmp loop_start


movl $1, %eax

int $0x80


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