Tuesday, July 28, 2009

C code problem?


int calsum(int x,int y, int z);



int a,b,c, sum;

printf("\n Enter any three numbers");

scanf("%d %d %d",%26amp;a, %26amp;b, %26amp;c);

sum = calsum(a,b,c);



int calsum(int x,int y,int z)

int x,y,z,;


int d;


return (d);


error messages is

function should return a value in function main()

declaration syntax error

deceleration terminated incorrectly

Plz tell me where I am wrong

C code problem?

int calsum(int x,int y, int z); **** write int calsum(int, int, int);



int a,b,c, sum;

printf("\n Enter any three numbers");

scanf("%d %d %d",%26amp;a, %26amp;b, %26amp;c);

sum = calsum(a,b,c);



int calsum(int x,int y,int z)

int x,y,z,; ****remove this


int d;


return (d); ***use return d;


Please try then tell me if u still encounter error
Reply:main() should be void main()

replace the main() by void main()
Reply:return 0;

in main
Reply:The main method returns an integer value by default. Since in your code, no value is returned by the main(), the error occurs.

You may either choose to define main as

void main()


// your code goes here





// your code

return 0;

Reply:type return 0; in the last line in the main program. surely this will solve this problem


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