Sunday, August 2, 2009

C compiler help please?

I downloaded DevC++.. It compilers, make exe file but when it tries to run the DOS promt snaps one second and thats it no running

even simple codes like

#include %26lt;stdio.h%26gt;

int main(void)


char ch='a';

int i=97;

printf("value of ch: %c; value of i: %c \n", ch,i);

return 0;


C compiler help please?
use gethch(); before closing curly braces in your program to pause the till yuo press any key

Include the following line before the "return 0;" statement,


This statement will make your program to wait for the user to press a key from the keyboard; and hence your DOS window will not close with a flash and will wait for you to press a key.
Reply:Try running the programs under the DOS prompt.

This is a console programs which open a DOS style output screen then close it when finished.

But if you are already running a DOS prompt, then the output of this program will go to this screen.

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